Grateful for Mia Caruso's lovely words about BeingHuman Constellation Work
"David has the unique ability to work from his heart and spirit while maintaining an encyclopedic vocabulary of touch, inner direction, insight and respect. He engenders healing and integration of a very high caliber."
“You helped me see what’s going on inside. Like Tony Robbins and other coaches they make you feel, they save you in a feeling or put you in a place - this excited feeling of being fixed but it is an illusion - nothing is resolved. You got me clear with what I have and what to do in my life. You took me to my base”
“Inner Human Life has been an important part of my individual development. It has given me a deeper understanding of my physical and emotional well-being and the means to maintain a proper balance between the corporal and spiritual components of my life.”
English Translation:
“Good Morning Sir David and Claudia. I am happy. That is to say that I was in number 10 now I give it a number 2.
I am happy because I already don’t feel how is it? I am going forward. Today everything left. I feel very good. I feel like I said from 10
I am down to 2. Like the natural ‘drop’ that I had that little burn is gone. The heaviness and noise I had in my stomach is gone.
The pain I had near my eyes that the doctors said it was a chronic neuralgia, I haven’t felt that anymore. I feel in a great mood.
Today I woke up before 6 am with a great attitude. I now walk very well. I don’t lose control anymore to walk. I walk very well.
This week I went to the park, walked very well, and a great attitude. I now eat and my stomach doesn’t feel heavy anymore.
Of course my appetite is still low but I’m going forward. Very grateful to both of you. God bless you both and give you lots
of happiness.God protect you both from all evil and danger. Good-bye. Good-bye. God bless you and protect you always.
Thank you so much for everything you did for me. I have no way to repay. God bless you all. God bless you all. Good-bye.”
~Dora Nelly Sierra Gallego
"My healing has been anything but linear... healing is a continual work in process, much like spiritual growth... because they are one and the same.
My healing involved learning &, more importantly, unlearning so many things I thought I knew... things our culture, media, medical system and pop-culture deemed as “normal”, “celebrated”, and “nothing-to-worry-about.”
I had the honor of experiencing a beautiful new form of healing with an amazing practitioner and facilitator of healing who I met right here on IG but happens to be five minutes from me!
This form of healing involves the therapist listening to your body and doing forms of muscle testing while asking questions and talking to you about your life to build the story of what your body, mind and spirit are holding to cause distress or dis-ea$e.
It was fascinating to learn about his practice and experience how defining the root of the problems actually helps to release them and bring so much clarity. The end of the practice was a form of cranial work/ energy work. I felt so wrapped in prayer, healing and love throughout this whole process.
@innerhumanlife is a loving, skilled therapist whose desire is to help others heal on a cellular and spiritual level. His care, openness and expertise were evident through the whole session.
By the end, my locked jaw and wound up fascia had released to the point it hasn’t in months. I felt peace and more clarity about my path moving forward by the definition of my own story that he was able to draw out of me by asking the correct questions.
If you are looking for an amazing form of holistic healing, working with David @innerhumanlife and experiencing the science/ practice of ontology is eye-opening and amazing. He does in-person in South Florida or does zoom sessions as well. Definitely check out his page and his website.
David, I am so grateful for your wisdom and willingness to help me. Thank you so much and God bless you! 🙏"
Claudia Gallo, a Vegan Chef and Healer, sharing vulnerable words about her process with BeingHuman Constellation Work.
English Translation:
“This was like Landmark but in 20 mins and beyond because there is surrender so
you are not just with your story. You surrender it up to God”
He proceeded to tell my student and I, even more:
“You helped me see what’s going on inside. Like Tony Robbins and other coaches
they make you feel, they save you in a feeling or put you in a place - this excited feeling
of being fixed but it is an illusion - nothing is resolved. You got me clear with what
I have and what to do in life. You took me to my base”
~Gillberto Quevedo